AmigaOS3.5 (138/967)

From:Peter Hutchison
Date:3 May 2000 at 21:23:28
Subject:Re: OS 3.5 & PPC

> So what we seem to be saying is that there are no actual
> parts of 3.5 that
> use the PPC, correct? Isn't it considered false advertizing
> to say that you
> support PPC when all you're really doing is issuing driver
> software that an
> end-user can download from many different sources?

At least now, its available for everyone from one easy location!
Installing software for PPC is `support`.
No-one was expecting a PPC OS and nothing was advertised as such...

> I'm with Marion, I'd like to at least see some datatypes,
> libraries, and
> some of the utilities be PPC compatible. Fortunately we have
> WarpJPG and
> WarpPNG datatypes available to us from elsewhere, and they're
> fantastic, but
> they use a heck of a hunk of memory -- somewhere around 6
> megabytes. :{

Thats progress for you... :(


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